Power of Hugging


Schilderij van Olga Marciano

The average length of a hug between two people is 3 seconds. But researchers have discovered something fantastic. When a hug lasts 20 seconds, there is a therapeutic effect on the body and mind. The reason is that a sincere hug produces a hormone called “oxytocin”, also known as the love hormone. This substance has many benefits in our physical and mental health, helps us, among other things, to relax, to feel safe and calm our fears and anxiety. This wonderful calming is offered free of charge every time we have a person in our arms, who cradled a child, we cherish a dog or cat, we’re dancing with our partner, the closer we get to someone or just hold the shoulders of a friend.

Bovenstaande tekst is overgenomen van:  The International Football School


Ik geloof dat ik geen groter geschenk kan ontvangen dan door de ander te worden gezien, gehoord, begrepen en aangeraakt. Het grootste geschenk dat ik kan geven is de ander te zien, te horen, te begrijpen en aan te raken. Wanneer dat gebeurt, voel ik dat er contact is gelegd. (Virginia Satir)